


Version 6.02, 2024.12.01
bug fix for icons in chat window

Version 6.01, 2024.11.27
option to reinitialize the interpreter when closing an uml window with objects
improvements for relationship attributes

Version 6.0, 2024.11.19
Usage of Large Language Models with LLM assistant and LLM chat

Version 5.13, 2024.11.16
bug fix for creating new classes in the class editor/uml window

Version 5.12, 2024.11.15
constructor init() now with visibility public in uml window
file notifier fixed, prevents exceptions when exiting GuiPy

Version 5.11, 2024.11.11
Multi-caret and multi-selection editing
Annotated scrollbars
Colored code structure highlight
Display of program flow control symbols

Version 5.10, 2024.10.17
support for inner classes in class editor

Version 5.09, 2024.09.17
bug fix for class editor
support for python 13.12.x

Version 5.08, 2024.08.26
improvements for uml window

Version 5.07, 2024.08.23
bug fix for bold connection attributes in uml window

Version 5.06, 2024.08.22
bug fix for network drives and uml window

Version 5.05, 2024.08.11
improvement for class editor

Version 5.04, 2024.07.12
improvement for uml window

Version 5.03, 2024.07.06
improvement for uml window and class editor

Version 5.02, 2024.07.04
bug fix for the uml window

Version 5.01, 2024.07.04
high-dpi ready
change from bmp to svg icons

Version 4.10, 2024.05.22
bug fix for selecting multiple widgets in the GUI designer

Version 4.9, 2024.05.22
DPI awareness for gui designer and object inspector

Version 4.10, 2024.05.22
new in version

Version 4.9, 2024.05.16
new in version

Version 4.8, 2024.05.12
enlarged toolbar icons for high dpi/scaling bigger than 100 %

Version 4.7, 2024.05.05
Support for using properties of objects in the UML window.
bug fix for loop in structogram editor

Version 4.6, 2024.01.09
documentation of configuration in homepage
some smaller improvements

Version 4.5, 2023.12.14
bugfix for left gutter area of an editor window
switch to another style and back to get and save the right gutter color

Version 4.4, 2023.12.07
improvement for portable version
improvement for dpi awareness of uml window

Version 4.3, 2023.12.03
improvement font size of objects in uml window
improvement installation of portable version
bugfix visibility
bugfix about dialog

Version 4.2, 2023.12.01
bugfix configuration of visibility
improvement of handling invalid classes in uml window

Version 4.1, 2023.11.27
DPI Awareness - supports screen setting in Windows for scale and layout of text on high resolution displays with more than 100%
bugfix of to small configuration window
bugfix scrollbars in difftext window
improvement of uml window

Version 4.0, 2023.11.05
bugfix style configuration
bugfix visibility change of attributs in class modeler
code completion of functions and methods with bracket pair ()
configuration page for visibility of tabs, menus and toolbars
extended support for special version, use of GuiPyMachine.ini as default for configuration settings

Version 3.8, 2023.10.26
improved display in the UML window
bugfix installation
bugfix derived class

Version 3.7, 2023.10.24
new option „from future import annotations“ for class modeler
new option „get/set methods as property“ for class modeler
automatically „from abc import abstractmethod“ for abstract methods
bugfix saving configuration values
bugfix TextDiff
bugfix Registry

Version 3.6, 2023.10.12
inherited methods for objects in uml window

Version 3.5, 2023.10.04
improved scrolling in uml window
constructor call in uml window with class name instead of init
bugfix for class representation in uml window

Version 3.4, 2023.09.17
new uml option „Classname in uppercase“
bugfix for method call in uml window
corrected display of function return type in uml window
bugfix for calling methods of objects in uml window

Version 3.3, 2023.09.07
reactivation of the display of breakpoints
corrected overwriting of files
corrected calling of inherited constructors
improved handling of aggregations in uml window

Version 3.2, 2023.08.02
code completion for portable version
add import in context menu of editor
bugfix for long names in uml window
improved constructor code in class editor

Version 3.1, 2023.07.09
automatic switch to debug layout

Version 3.0, 2023.06.05
support for lists, sets, tuples and dictionarys as attributes of objects in the uml window

Version 2.0.10, 2023.05.11
improvement for file templates
improvement for lists in object diagrams

Version 2.0.9, 2023.04.21
bugfix for missing cursor in editor
code completion for Python 3.11

Version 2.0.8, 2023.04.15
bugfix for error in class editor
„Tools/Check for updates“ in version 2.0.7 shows update dialog for pyScripter
so update manually to 2.0.8 by downloading from and installing over the existing version

Version 2.0.7, 2023.04.12
Editor with track changes bar as in Visual Studio
Fixed jumping between editor windows
Upload of exception errors enabled
improved coordination between editor and UML window
improved class editor
export uml diagram as svg file

Version 2.0.6, 2023.02.18
Support for Python 3.11

Version 2.0.5, 2022.12.07
improved coordination between editor and UML window
improved class editor

Version 2.0.4, 2022.11.21
some smaller bugfixes
improved handling of objects in uml window

Version 2.0.3, 2022.11.12
some smaller bugfixes
improved object inspector

Version 2.0.2, 2022.09.21
change font size in GUI window
reset for shortcuts
FAQ on
more bugfixes for Qt

Version 2.0.1, 2022.08.25
some smaller bugfixes for Qt

Version 2.0.0, 2022.08.21
Added support for GUI creation with Qt

Version 1.0.6, 2022.07.10
bugfix resizing gui form in styled mode
bugfix textdiff tool in 64 bit version

Version 1.0.5, 2022.04.23
bugfix for UML window

Version 1.0.4, 2022.04.20
bugfix for objects in UML window with long names in 64-Bit version
configuration page for class modeler

Version 1.0.3, 2022.03.21
bugfix for opening files and sequence diagram

Version 1.0.1, 2022.03.16
bugfix for opening files

Version 1.0.1, 2022.03.10
bugfix TextDiff, language change and update

Version 1.0.0, 2022.03.07
first relase of GuiPy

en/versions.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/12/01 13:17 von hosting167488